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** March Equinox, 2024. Laundry-Metaverse reaches the international arena—our next presentation at a global event.

Home Care: The STAINability 24
March 21st, 2024. Germany

Laundry Metaverse™. The laundry business innovation accelerator to impact brands' growth and success

Technology is the most powerful tool to improve our businesses. For more than 30 years, CONSUMERTEC has developed technologies that have transformed consumer brands' evaluation. These technologies have helped our clients develop leading brands now present in millions of homes. However, the industry needs more because the current challenges are even more significant, especially regarding environmental protection and business profits. We need to go faster and further.

In the large industry, the answer is The Industrial Metaverse. In parallel with that, the Laundry Metaverse is for the laundry industry. It is a cutting-edge digital technology suite that combines the real and digital worlds with the highest practical visual fidelity. It generates accurate and trustworthy immersive spaces where physical laundry results are inseparable from virtual laundry scenarios.

Times flow differently in virtual spaces. Therefore, it enables teams to streamline innovation in the laundry business, avoid product failure, and ensure brands' growth and success. It accelerates R&D and marketing innovation, accelerates sustainability, and accelerates access to high-tech tools.

The presentation answers the question: How does it happen?--with practical applications of Laundry Metaverse components: Laundry- VR and VR-Clicks.

** December Solstice, 2023. At the end of this year we have fantastic news to share with the industry.

1. The PROGRAM OF WHITE GARMENTS CHARACTERISATION IN LATIN AMERICA is now a tremendous success. Thirteen (13) companies are participating in the program, including multinationals, regional and local companies. We characterised more than 200 white garments from 13 countries. The participants have now objective evidences to make decisions about:
  • The withdrawal of optical brighteners from their laundry formulations, which is related to the reduction of the environmental impact in our region
  • The selection of new shading dyes in line with the reality of the whiteness and cleanliness experience
  • Once dinginess of commercial white garments is quantified in the first washes, the inclusion of new technologies can be evaluated
  • New formulation balances considering the sufficient cleanliness expectation of laundry products.
It has been a generous effort by those companies demonstrating a genuine interest in contributing to the environmental care of our region, strengthened by the joint efforts of allies and competitors.

For this second year, based on the suggestions of the participants, the program will help to answer the following concern: In each market, of those different white garments collected, there is one or some that consumers consider as the whitest, or are they chosen as the white of their preference?

To respond efficiently, objectively and quantitatively to this question, we will gladly make VR-CLICKS available to the program, free of charge. VR-CLICKS is a unique modern digital tool that incorporates the most advanced science in its field. It collects consumers' responses online when they navigate virtual realities showing selected white garments, physics-based rendered and displayed on portable equipment. More at:

** June Solstice, 2023. Based on the success of the white program in Latin America, the Program of White Garments Characterisation in the ASIAN PACIFIC Region has been launched. The not-for-profit program will provide unique technical information for the design of laundry formulations. Specifically, the program seeks to collect current evidence from a particular white-garment market with the purpose of:
  • The withdrawal of optical brighteners from their laundry formulations, which is related to the reduction of the environmental impact in our region
  • The selection of new shading dyes in line with the reality of the whiteness and cleanliness experience
  • Once dinginess of commercial white garments is quantified in the first washes, the inclusion of new technologies can be evaluated
  • New formulation balances considering the sufficient cleanliness expectation of laundry products.

** December Solstice, 2022. The PROGRAM OF WHITE GARMENTS CHARACTERISATION IN LATIN AMERICA has been launched. This a joint effort of the Latin American Industry to alleviate our environment, better respond to the needs of our consumers, and improve product margins. More at:

** September Equinox, 2022. CONSUMERTEC will be present in the next ELALI meeting in Latin America. We will conduct an oral presentation on November 2022 in Punta Cana, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Title: "An updated on whiteness in Latin America, without optical brighteners." Authors: Estefania Proano and Rodrigo Olmedo.

We are very proud. It will be the 40th occasion we shared our developments/innovations/findings with the international scientific community.

** March Equinox, 2022. CONSUMERTEC in next scientific meetings. We will be the keynote speaker in the coming SOFW eVENT Clean Cleaning, March 24, 2022. Title: "Paradigm change in cleanliness measurement to reach more sustainable goals in laundry." Additionally we will conduct an oral presentation in the next 2022 American Oil Chemists Society in Atlanta, GA, USA. May 1-4 2022. Title: "Laundry sustainable goals need a paradigm change in cleanliness testing."

** December Solstice, 2021. It is official! The technical competence of our lab to conduct comparative testing of consumer products is internationally accredited. Following the standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017, a governmental, international inspection-accreditation body provided a formal recognition that our laboratory in Ecuador is impartial, independent and technically competent to conduct comparative testing of consumer products in line with the guide ISO/IEC 46:2017.

** September Equinox, 2021. We have just conducted a presentation at the 2nd Global Technology Conference in Wuxi, China. Exciting topics and questions focused on a crucial laundry market. We are supporting the "Made in China" and "Served in China" efforts.
Presentation title:
"Innovative tools to balance detergents� formulations that match the washing and caring requirements of local consumers"

** June Solstice, 2021. VR-Clicks reach the laundry market! The first-ever digital tool to collect consumer/panellist responses when they visualise washing results. Based on cutting-edge understandings about how the human visual systems work, fluorescence optical spectroscopy, colour reproduction, and virtual realities, VR-Clicks offers unparalleled opportunities to implement a consumer-centric approach to improve laundry products' margin and support the brand's claims.

** March Equinox, 2021. Since 2004 our company has lead the dingy monitors test fabrics for detergency evaluation. In the last February we launched a new group of DOUBLE DINGY (DD) MONITORS. A combination of two consumer-relevant realities: a dingy soiled/stained area on a dingy substrate.

** December Solstice, 2020. The pandemic has accelerated digital innovations. In the last six months we accelerated our innovation process about digital tools too. This is the result: A totally new Laundry-VR. Now it is a standalone web application to process-analyse-visualise washing results. A tool to revolutionise decision about both claim discovery/verification/support and balances between consumer benefits and technologies cost. It will be launched early 2021.

** March Equinox, 2020. A new normal is coming! Covid19 World Pandemic is changing personal and companies lives. We are urged to develop new ways to prosper together in a different world with new sustainable balances between environment and resources. It will be a new opportunity challenge the enormous social and economic disparities we have created until now.

** December Solstice, 2019. This year was the consolidation of our virtual technology Laundry-VR. Medium and large clients started to apply this new technology in their detergency projects with two goals: a. To collect reliable consumer responses in the area of cleanliness, whiteness and colour-care, and b. To increment the margins of laundry products. A digital transformation in the laundry industry!

** September Equinox, 2019. Our consumer and laboratory tests about the consumer perception of benefits and non benefits, can be used as legal evidences to support and substantiate quantitative sensory claims. Ecuadorian authorities in August 2019, extended to our company, the DESIGNATION resolution as competent organism to conduct such tests, in line with international standard ISO 17025.

** June Solstice, 2019
In April, on occasion of CONSUMERTEC' 25th anniversary we conducted our 36th international scientific presentation. We are very proud of our worldwide participation in scientific meetings in the field of detergency. With this, Laundry-VR reached a milestone. Introduced in July 2018 our unique virtual reality technology was presented in the five (5) most important scientific meetings around the world. A digital revolution focused to increment the margins of laundry products.

Special Report. Germany. April 2019
On the road again! Consumertec presented some key technical topics embedded in the Laundry-VR in the 49th IDC International Detergency Conference. 09-11 April 2019, in D�sseldorf, GERMANY.

The presentation title was:
"Virtual reality. The new balance between consumers and technologies in the laundry market"

** December Solstice, 2018
What a year! With the introduction of virtual visualisation technologies to the world of laundry product's innovation, several technological paradigms has fallen. Now the consumer dimension is a live part on product design in a fast, relevant and cheaper way, which in turn open up the door to better balances that favour company profits. It is expected that in the coming years hundred of millions of dollars will be profited by laundry products producers.

Special Report. Germany, China and USA. October 2018
Laundry-VR was born in July 2018 and was presented to the industry in Germany, China and USA!

Nearly simultaneously at the SEPAWA Congress and European Detergents Conference 2018 in Berlin, GERMANY, at the 1st Global Laundry Technology Conference 2018 in Beijing, China, and at the Fabric and Home Care World Conference 2018 in Boca Raton, FL, USA, we presented to the laundry industry, for the very first time, Laundry-VR, the novel digital tool to visualise washing results in a full immersive virtual reality rendered in consumer relevant terms, focused to increase laundry product margins. It balances consumer perception of benefits and non-benefits with formulation cost.

   CHINA:                    GERMANY:                       USA:


** June Solstice, 2018
Laundry-VR arrives! Based on more than 15 years working with algorithms to represent visual perception we found the alternative to include those efforts as part of the digital revolution that is influencing scientific developments on nearly all business area. So, we implemented a new tool that mixes our latest algorithms (CLVVR) with new standalone head-mounted virtual reality displays, like Oculus Go, with the purpose to visualise washing-results in consumer relevant terms.

Laundry-VR, a novel digital technology that is radically changing innovation efficiency, concerning:
.. Consumer relevancy,
.. R&D time, costs and its environmental impact,
.. Short product-development cycles, and
.. Creative balances between consumer benefits/non-benefits and company profits.

Laundry VR is a digital system focused on laundry products� cost reduction. It will be presented to the world laundry market during the following meetings in 2018: SEPAWA Congress in Europe, World Conference on Fabric Care in USA and the 1st Global Laundry Technology Conference (GLT) in China.

Special Report. USA May 2018
Digital test fabrics were presented for the very first time!

At 2018 AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, Surfactant and Detergents Division Conference, on Tuesday afternoon May 8, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, we presented to the laundry industry, for the very first time, the novel digital collar&cuffs test fabric to conduct virtual detergency experiments. The presentation included scientific principles in the field of optical spectroscopy to support our approach to conduct virtual detergency experiments

Next presentations during 2018 will cover recent advances in the numerical computations of cleanliness, whiteness and colour-care perception as well as visualisation techniques

CONSUMERTEC is driving the digital revolution in laundry research, to right balance the value equation for regional and local consumers and companies

** December Solstice, 2017
Coming year 2018 CONSUMERTEC will conduct oral presentations at international scientific meetings about our recent developments in the field of digital technologies to improve innovation efficiency in the laundry sector. Specifically:
  • "Virtual Detergency Experimentation " to be presented at 2018 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, May 6-9, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
  • �Efficient Innovation with Digitally Augmented Detergency Experimentation� to be presented at Fabric and Home Care World Conference, October 28-31, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

Special Report. Panama September 2017
Experimental approach to balance laundry product's formulation cost was presented

At ELALI 2017, Rodrigo Olmedo presented a paper titled "Cleanliness and Whiteness Perception in Latin American Consumer Relevant Terms", that describe an experimental approach that include market relevancy and variability of laundry visual scenarios as a novel way to balance product formulation cost, removing the use material with no clear and robust consumer's benefits and reinforcing others with sustained performances capable to be perceived by variable consumers at variable environments.

Event's gallery:

** June Solstice, 2017. The virtual world arrives to the laundry innovation world! After more than 10 years working with algorithms to represent different areas of detergency, CLVVR (Consumertec Laundry Visual Virtual Reality) reach the market. It is a collection of algorithms to conduct full virtual experimentation in the areas of cleanliness, whiteness and colour-care perception, in consumer relevant terms. The massive reductions of laundry innovation's cost and time will drive the progressive adoption of virtual technologies, CLVVR is one of them.

Special Report. Germany April 2017
CLLS' scientific background was presented

On occasion of the 48th International Detergency Conference (IDC), held at D�sseldorf, Germany, Rodrigo Olmedo conducted an oral presentation about the vision science advancements embedded on CLLS algorithms, those capable to deal with variability of consumer whiteness perception at real visual scenarios. The full paper "Whiteness perception in wholly empirical terms" is published on the Proceedings of the Conference.

Also CONSUMERTEC took that opportunity to show samples of dingy test monitor and explains to hundreds of high-level technical participants from around the world, their benefits to experiment in consumer relevant terms in the field of cleanliness, whiteness, colour-care and olfactive-cleanliness.

Event�s gallery:

** December Solstice, 2016
CLLS update. New capability, based on recent individual colorimetric observer models generated in the last five years, offers the amazing possibility to conduct virtual experimentation bearing in mind individual differences about lens density, macula optical density, photopigments optical density, and photopigments lambda, in relevance with well understood human differences not only due to age but also due to ethnicity.

Special Report. Singapore October 2016
A very successful worldwide launch of CLLS

The new system called CONSUMERTEC Laundry Laboratory Suite - CLLS was officially launched at the World Conference on Fabric and Home Care, Singapore, October 2016. Hundreds of high-level participants around the world had the opportunity to see and collect dingy test fabrics samples as well as discuss with CONSUMERTEC�staff about in-silico experimentation of consumer responses in the area of cleanliness, whiteness and colour-care. Visitors congratulated the arrival of a new tool to increase laundry product�s profitability.

Dozens of visitors also had the opportunity to sniff the new dingy test fabric with persistent fatty-like malodorous, the only and unique test fabric monitor to conduct lab experiments in the area of olfactive cleanliness.

Event�s gallery:

** June Solstice, 2016. CONSUMERTEC LAUNDRY LAB SUITE (CLLS), is now in the market. It is the first and unique integrated platform that combines in-vitro and in-silico experimentation to model and simulate consumer responses at real laundry scenarios, concerning cleanliness and whiteness perception. A disruptive technology to innovate in consumer relevant terms!

** December Solstice, 2015
. A very important CIE standard has finally arrived. Titled: CIE 170-2:2015  Fundamental Chromaticity Diagram With Physiological Axes - Part 2: Spectral Luminous Efficiency Functions and Chromaticity Diagrams, the standard recognises, officially, the possibility to use new colorimetric tools with correspondence to visual system physiology. With no doubts, it will be useful for education and will offer novel opportunities of solving problems of colour measurement and colour perception in everyday life.

** September Equinox, 2015
. CONSUMERTEC�s approach on behaviour change is based on neuroscience, not on psychology. This approach now is backed up by our new Specialization Certificate on Neuroscience: Perception, Action and the Brain, from Duke University, USA. This is an important step in a journey that started seven years ago when we decided to build novel capabilities focused to understand, model and simulate consumer purchase behaviour.

**June Solstice, 2015
. R and Machine learning. R, the language and environment for statistical computing and graphics is now the lingua franca for statistical analysis and predictive analytics. CONSUMERTEC has started to move machine learning experience gained with commercial alternatives to the open source R environment. Universities and experts around the world support this alternative which constitutes a reliable way to stay up to date in this field.

March Equinox, 2015. How brain works? in wholly empirical terms. This approach lead by Dr. Dale Purves at the Duke Institute of Brain Sciences, Duke University, USA, is helping to explain significant differences on consumer sensory perception at different commercial relevant scenarios around the world. According to that "Based on feedback from the empirical consequences of behaviour, accumulated information about operational success is realized over evolutionary time in inherited neural circuitry whose organization is then modified to a limited extent by individual experience." (Purves, 2010)

** December Solstice, 2014
. United Nations International Year of Light 2015. CONSUMERTEC will also hope to celebrate this event stressing the importance of light, in the form of source of illuminations, to understand visual experiences at real market scenarios, an area not well understood in the consumer industry.

** September Equinox, 2014
. The new CONSUMERTEC armpit monitor, version 2.0, now incorporates a new set of ingredients to mimic the presence of proteins residues on the stained area, in conjunction with the complex interaction between deodorant ingredients, human gland secretions and specific oxidation stages, in addition to the ongoing dingy process. See more at

** June Solstice, 2014
. 20 years! CONSUMERTEC team celebrated with full of optimism this important anniversary. The selection of our new motto "Purchase behaviour specialist" is the best way to symbolise not only what have been our approach and efforts in the last years but also reflect our compass direction for the coming years. This one point of reference is now the centre of our experimentation efforts in-vivo, in-vitro and in-silico, and the confluence point of our visual and olfactive perception expertises, and brain's basal ganglia function understandings.

** March Equinox, 2014. CONSUMERTEC recently implemented a portable sensor technology which consists of a combination of individual thin-film carbon-black polymer composite and new nano chemiresistor sensors, configured into an array. The final response is a pattern which is usually a unique characteristic of the total combination of odours substances present on a specific space. Using this technology one odour molecule can sensitises different sensors and one sensor can detect different odour molecules, in line with the human olfactive system.

** December Solstice, 2013. The SpikerBox from Backyard Brains ( is helping to understand spikes in nervous systems. An innovative approach to spread basic neuroscience understanding.

** September Equinox, 2013
. Latest version of Raspberry Pi computer has arrived to CONSUMERTEC. New capabilities are expected to come in the field of robotics.

** June Solstice, 2013
. MOOCs (massive open on-line courses) free of charge are the new trend on self and group training. CONSUMERTEC in line with that has included neuroscience courses at Coursera ( and edX ( as part of its self training program.

** March Equinox, 2013
. Brain mapping and modelling have obtained tremendous financial support in USA and Europe. This is the new field of understanding in the consumer industry. CONSUMERTEC is well equipped to capitalise new complex understandings.
  The new method to visualise brain functionality, called "Clarity Method"offers unique ways to understand and model excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission. Video:

Selected Previous News ..!

.. December Solstice, 2012. The new trend in gamification has been included at CONSUMERTEC as part of ethnographic experiences.

.. September Equinox, 2012. A new numerical model to represent consumer purchase decision is developed. The model link purchase decision with deep consumer insights, with relevant scenarios cues, and with benefit and non-benefit perceptions at real market realities.

.. June Solstice, 2012. DETERTEC is now CONSUMERTEC. After 18 years of operations and 6 in the field of consumer understanding, we have moved to a new commercial name in line with our current and future business scope, i.e. deep consumer insights to innovation success. Our new logo and motto now reflects our core business: ingenuity applied to innovations based on what we (consumers) truly are.
    Brain structures ganglia basal and limbic system, human reward system components, are now linked to CONSUMERTEC�s methodology to understand consumer purchase behaviour.

March Equinox, 2012. "Where" and "what" pathways of visual processing are included on visual experience understandings.

December Solstice, 2011. A new text analysis procedures to complement ethnographic visits and a new procedure to collect data are implemented.

September Equinox, 2011.
The "LACM/UC" System is launched. A new consumer behaviour system of understanding.

June Solstice, 2011. Innovation, memory and a flash of insight are interlaced on professional training programs about strategic creativity.

March Equinox, 2011. Intelligent memory, strategic intuition and design thinking. Novel areas, based on brain understanding, are included on CONSUMERTEC methodologies.

December Solstice, 2010. Age-based advanced colorimetry are now part of in/house CONSUMERTEC software to process spectrometic data of surfaces.

September Equinox, 2010. Ethnography and design thinking at Montreux. The world congress was an opportunity to show new trends on innovation methodologies.

June Solstice, 2010. New robotics capabilities to understand baby care products. Mannequins built in/house by CONSUMERTEC now include different leg movements.

June Solstice, 2009. Quito, Ecuador

The new modern and recent neurophysiology-inspired steady-state colour appearance model is in place

Recent neuroscientific insights have contributed to review colour appearance models. A new model has been constructed by combining chromatic adaptation with nonlinear response compression, that performs at least as well as CIECAM02. The reference is:

.. Kunkel, T, et al., A neurophysiology-inspired steady-state color appearance model, Journal of the Optical Society of America A Vol 26, No 4 / April 2009 776-782

This new contribution has sufficient merits to include directly on DETERTEC's calculations of colour appearance of surfaces, which in turn facilitate the understanding of consumer visual experience under real market scenarios.


DETERTEC will participate in the coming Latin American and Iberic Congress of Cosmetic Chemists, COLAMIQC XIX, to be held in the city of Guayaquil, ECUADOR, during October 25-28 2009. We hope to present orally our paper titled:


This study exposes a new in-house methodology based on digital colorimetry of consumer's images that represent the condition "I am OK with my look" and shows the numerical modelling approach to represent that perception, in the field of cosmetic product, specifically in relation with the use of lipsticks. The paper will offer to the audience the opportunity to understand the way to customise colour difference equations to represent relevant consumer perceptions of contrast.

March Equinox, 2009. Quito, Ecuador

New links between consumer benefit perception of foods and visual experience

A collaborative project between neuroscientists at the Centre Hopitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne, the Centre d'Imagerie Biomedicate, as well as the Nestle Research Center, in Lausanne, Switzerland, revealed that the human brain predicts the energy content of food, simply by looking at its picture. The brain distinguished between the high- and low-fat foods within 200 milliseconds (ms). According to Dr Le Coutre, one of the autors, "this suggests that reward properties, such as food's energy and fat content, are treated rapidly and in parallel with the brain regions involved in categorization and decision-making."

Despite of the link between consumer benefit perception of food and its visual attributes is well known in general, this study is "the first time that these processes have been investigated in humans, giving us indications of when and where food-related choices are made in the brain." The reference of the study is:

.. Toepel, U., et al., The brain tracks the energetic value in food images, NeuroImage 44 (2009) 967-974

This study is very good contribution to brands and products innovation project of foods, due to its contribution to understand the humans' decision-making processes that involves the consumer visual evaluation of food attributes under real market scenarios.

December Solstice, 2008. Quito, Ecuador

Modern colorimetry algorithms to improve visual perception understanding

Vision science in general and colorimetry in particular are fields of continuos advancements thanks to several basic research groups spread around the world. DETERTEC as other dozens of applied research groups, is continuously nurturing internal procedures from those well supported and accepted advancements. That is the case of the recent implementation of the new physiologically-based colour matching functions.

Conventional and basic colorimetry procedures are based on CIE 1931 colour matching functions and its supplementary CIE 1964 functions. Starting in the 60s, with findings of the properties of light-sensitive photoreceptors, and continuing with recent understandings of the visual function, the scientific community in the field, has accepted the cone fundamentals of the Stockman and Sharpe (2000), as the new physiological-relevant cone fundamentals in which all colorimetry computation algorithms are based.

The consumer industry has been aware of the deficiencies of the CIE 1931 and 1964 functions, which are seriously flawed particularly at short-wavelengths, and their deficiencies to represent consumer's evaluations of fluorescent materials, but only recently the scientific community (late 2006) has offered a better alternative. DETERTEC in line with this, implemented during 2008 the new algorithms in all colorimetric procedures, the results are a more coherent understanding of consumer visual perception under real visual scenarios. During 2009 DETERTEC will keep and expand the use of the new algorithms, now part of the LaundryVisualSim in-silico technology.

New Indoor Daylight Illuminant

Following the recommendations of the Technical Committee 1-66, Division 1, International Commission on Illumination (CIE), DETERTEC includes, starting in January 2009, a new illuminant for colorimetric calculations, the standard illuminant ID65, which represents a daylight source of illuminations at indoor environments.

The new illuminant was derived taking into account the average transmission spectrum of window glass, the average thickness of window glass and the average angle of transmission of light through the window. The differences between indoor and outdoor daylight are in the UV and the red portion of the spectrum. The new standard collects the fact that at indoor conditions exists around 32% less ultraviolet and violet radiation capable to excite fluorescent agents.

The visual experience of a myriad of consumer products take in effect at indoor daylight visual scenarios. The new standard is an important contribution to understand consumer visual perception in real market realities, specially of fluorescent surfaces.

September Equinox, 2008. Quito, Ecuador

DETERTEC and the 7th World Conference on Detergents

For third occasion in a row, DETERTEC has been invited to participate in Technical Committee in charge of the program of the 7th World Conference on Detergents to be held in Montreaux, Switzerland on October 4-7, 2010. The overall theme of the conference will be "New Strategies in a Dynamic Global Economy". The conference is organised by the AOCS, The American Oil Chemists' Society.

It our privilege to become part of the selected group of companies and people in charge of the most important global event in the field of soaps and detergents. The Conference is held each 4 years and DETERTEC has been part of the organizing committee in the years 2002, 2006 and will be in 2010. DETERTEC is the only company from the less-developed markets forming part of the Committee.

For more a more detailed information about the conference, please visit

June Solstice, 2008. Quito, Ecuador

Contract business model improves our customer's value

In the year 2007 DETERTEC started to change its business model from an occasional isolated test provider to a medium or long term innovation partner under yearly contracts. The transit has not been so smooth as we expected. Some of our occasional clients decided to see other alternatives internal of external, but some others decided to change the business relation in line with DETERTEC proposal.

After more than one year of application, the new business model has been evaluated with our clients. The advantages for them were clear:

.. more services from DETERTEC for less price

.. more support and information narrowed in the business critical areas

.. more training and knowledge-sharing to Marketing and R&D in specific relevant areas, less generic knowledge

.. more confidentiality and in some cases strict exclusivity

.. more responsibilities are shared and more sense of partnership

From DETERTEC side the advantages are also important, specifically the ability to plan our resources and efforts and a new healthy pressure to obtain clearly visible final results in line with our Clients expectations. In general terms the model is helping to business sustainability in both sides.

March Equinox, 2008. Quito, Ecuador

Characterising priming elements as part of brand innovation projects

Up to now, the most prominent brand innovation strategy is to manage total consumer experiences, which in turn are mainly a group of focal sensory experiences. Therefore, the need to manage visual experiences during communication, purchasing, usage and after-use moments are now the job of people in charge of brand management and innovation. The final idea is to support the consumer's generation of value to the brand.

The generation of value by the consumer rely on the perception of some critical benefits which are influenced by priming elements, according to recent findings in the field of psychology. One example of that in the area of laundry products is the influence of the visual perception of changes on the soiled garments when they are wetted and enter in contact with the washing solutions made with soap bars or powder detergents. That critical visual perception can the enormous potential to influence the final cleanliness and whiteness perception of some washing process.

Fortunately, understanding visual perception under real scenarios has been improved in the last decade thanks to new developments in the field of photonics and new algorithms to quantify colour appearance. The approach of DETERTEC in the field is the use of a combination of two elements: a in-house built non-contact absolute spectrofluorimeter, and in-house software (based on JMP) to compute data according the most recent colour appearance models in combination with recent findings in the uniformity of colour spaces, the influence of chromatic induction and the new international accepted physiologically-based colour matching functions. The final output is a full characterisation of the consumer visual perception of wetted fabrics at the beginning of the washing process according to the most modern principles of vision science applied to relevant market realities. Recently DETERTEC has expanded the area with the use of four (4) test fabrics models relevant to less-developed laundry markets:

.. light soiled nearly-new cotton knitted white fabric

.. soiled dingy cotton knitted white fabric greyished

.. light soiled nearly-new cotton woven white fabric

.. soiled dingy cotton woven white fabric yellowished

No doubts that in the coming years more products in the very competitive consumer industry will have the potential to offer consumer more easily perceived benefits that in turn will sustain the generation of brand value.

Example of technical data can be consulted at ...Visual Experiences

December 10th, 2007. Quito, Ecuador


The year 2007 has been a very productive year for DETERTEC's training programs. More than 150 marketing and R&D professionals from all over the Americas, assisted to courses on Innovation and Visual Experience and provided remarkable evaluations.

Based on that, DETERTEC has announced and innovative and unique group of courses for 2008. These will cover the most important and modern topics on Brand and Product Innovation Strategies as well as Consumer�s Visual Experience Management, each focused on a different consumer product category: food and beverages, beauty and personal care, household care, and laundry.

The series has been called Innovation and Visual Experience, and the first specific course will be offered on coming March 2008. On-site versions will be offered in a continuous base.

September 28th, 2007. Quito, Ecuador


Senior and junior level professionals from marketing areas of multinational and regional companies working in Latin America participated in the first-ever-time course: The Consumer�s Visual Experience, held in Spanish during September 2007.

The final courses evaluation was: Good (10%), Very Good (65%), Excellent (25%). Additional comments were: "excellent content", "excellent research", "invaluable, totally justified", "loved practical exercises", "superb tool for innovation", "easy to implement", "thank you very very much."

These are remarkable evaluations and comments from experienced professionals, considering it was the first time edition of a training program focused to improve brand and product innovation trough the management of consumer visual experiences. A very innovative approach.

From DETERTEC side, it provided valuable inputs to improve coming editions, and proved to have a tremendous potential to match current and future Clients needs. DETERTEC will continue offering the course on public and private base in Spanish and English.

May 16th, 2007. Quito, Ecuador


SASCOM, a leading magazine in the business intelligence and analytics sector, features DETERTEC's virtual R&D approach in the consumer industry, in a recent published special supplement about JMP 7. Other companies cited are:

.. Georgia Institute of Technology's Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory (ASDL) - USA
.. Duke Medical Center - USA
.. Goodyear / ASTM - USA
.. TERA Environmental - CANADA
.. Agricultural Research Service of USDA - USA

The new JMP 7 was launched in May 2007 and offers the following features: JMP and SAS can connect, dynamic visualization - bubble plots, immersive visualization - scatterplot 3-D, instant subsets - dynamic data filtering, surveys and multiple responses, among others. The new JMP strategy is that JMP means business and the current focus is not only to scientist and engineers but to everyone.

View the magazine at and JMP 7 at

More details of DETERTEC's innovations at Computer-based Technologies

May 10th, 2007. Quito, Ecuador


32 senior high-level professionals, from Marketing and R&D departments, from multinational and regional companies from USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina and Spain, participated in our course: The New Innovation at the Laundry Market - Developing Regions, held in Spanish during April and May 2007.

Everyone enjoyed lectures from Rodrigo Olmedo and around 20 pertinent laboratory observations in charge of Selena Guerra, both from DETERTEC, Ecuador. The final courses evaluation was: Good (1/32=3%), Very Good (13/32=41%), Excellent (18/32=56%).

Attendees evaluations and comments showed outstanding results, better than our average on previous training programs. That is a clear confirmation that the new course matched and superpassed attendees expectations. DETERTEC will continue offering the course on private base in Spanish and English.

February 16th, 2007. Quito, Ecuador


DETERTEC is the top history of JMP Newswire February 2007 edition. The heading: "Washing Away R&D Worries in the Consumer Products Industry. DETERTEC uses JMP to virtualize consumers' visual perception, helping clients save time and money," introduces the history. The electronic newsletter is distributed to thousands of SAS and JMP users around the globe. See:

The fourth annual edition of the famous JMP User Conference will be held at SAS Campus, located on Cary, USA, on June 11-15, 2007. Rodrigo Olmedo, principal of DETERTEC, will conduct a 60 minutes presentation at the Scientific Application category:

In Silico Approach to Innovations with Perceived Customer Value

Rodrigo Olmedo, DETERTEC

In the consumer products industry, business competition is fierce, with an accelerated commoditization of products and services, increasing price wars, and shrinking profit margins. R&D teams are pressured to accelerate their pace of innovations to stay ahead, but with different cost structures, being collaborative with external sources and compelled to be more consumer-relevant. There is an urgency to innovate the way R&D innovates.

This session describes the way relevant consumer sensory experiences are capable to be included upstream in the innovation process using computer-based technologies based on JMP. A novel in silico approach rests on a mixture of tabulated data computations from new photonics devices, customized mathematical models of consumer's perceptions, and simulation of concatenated events that include changes on materials surfaces and how they are perceived in different visual realities. The in silico technologies offer unparalleled advantages against conventional costly and lengthy in vivo and in vitro alternatives, and additionally provide a significant return on investment.

JMP's scripting and numerical capabilities as well as interactive 3D graphical and non-linear modeling features are clearly exemplified and presented as the key affordable tools of the new technologies to innovate.

More details of JMP User Conference 2007 at:

More details of DETERTEC's innovations at Spectroscopy Technologies and Computer-based Technologies

January 9th, 2007. Quito, Ecuador


We are very proud to announce that SAS, the world leader in business intelligence and analytical software, has chosen DETERTEC's Virtual R&D system as an Innovation to Success story. This important industry recognition refers to our innovative uses of JMP software, a business unit of SAS, to support new spectroscopy technologies as well as to build a novel consumer perception modelling and simulation system. A disruptive 'in silico' technologies to accelerate consumer products innovations with different cost structures and being more consumer-relevant. See full story at

As a small but award-winning entrepreneurial technology firm located in Ecuador, South America, DETERTEC feels honoured to be in the company of other leading-edge institutions that have received similar recognition from SAS in recent years. These institutions include:

.. Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory, Georgia Tech (USA)
.. Children's Services, Duke University Medical Center (USA)
.. Hardware Division, Microsoft Corporation (USA)
.. WildTrack Organisation (UK)
.. AstraZeneca (UK)

This new distinction reinforces our commitment to stay in line with our clients' current and future needs focused to develop competitive technologies and products that improve consumer experiences.

More details at Spectroscopy Technologies and Computer-based Technologies

December 15th, 2006. Quito, Ecuador


Since the 70's Ganz whiteness model has been internationally accepted as a simple and useful model to estimate whiteness values with some level of correlation with panellist response evaluating whiteness under artificial daylight illumination. Two well used whiteness formulas based on the same model are the CIE whiteness formula and the so called Ganz whiteness formula, both are well known in the detergency industry.

With the recent internationally acceptance of the new colour appearance models, several things have changed in colour measurements and estimations. Now colour attributes perception are well represented by J' for lightness, a' for red-green opponency and b' for yellow-blue opponency, which have much more significance than the basic values of Y, x, y, from the point of view of total appearance.

DETERTEC obtained mathematically a new function based on J' a' b' starting from Y, x, y, which is a very complex function, but nearly a curved plane in the new uniform colour space. Therefore, it is possible to obtain a more simple quadric function represented by a quadric sheet with high level of correlation with the original Ganz values.

See graphs at Modelling Whiteness.

November 3rd, 2006. Quito, Ecuador


During the last Equinox (September 2006) DETERTEC conducted calibrated sun spectroradiometry measurements in Quito, latitude 0 degrees 2.800 m above the sea level, with the intention to expand its data base of ground level measurements at populated environments (more than 1.5 millions inhabitants).

Measurements conducted in Albuquerque, New Mexico USA on July 1990 (noonday in a desert zone) has been used for some international standards as a reference of a high spectral measurement at ground level, which show negligible values below 300nm which in turns affects significantly to biological weighted UVB calculations like the UV Index and the UV Protection Factor. Measurements collected in Quito, show not only high values on the UVA regions but significantly higher values on the UVB regions than the aforementioned measurement.

In line with that, the UV spectral measurement collected in Quito, can be considered as a reference of the highest value capable to be measured at ground level in a populated environment. It is important to keep in mind that Quito is the only city in the world with such a combination of geographical characteristics.

More details at Sun Radiometry

September 12th, 2006. Quito, Ecuador


It was mid 2002 when Leeward Bean (Ocean Optics co-founder) conducted with Rodrigo Olmedo (DETERTEC co-founder) at Ocean Optics laboratory in Dunedin FL, USA, some preliminary test concerning the application of new spectrometers to measure luminescent fabric excitance and source of illuminations irradiance. That was the beginning of a productive relationship which has become one of the foundation to DETERTEC's innovative very-first-time developments:

  • to characterise actual laundry visual scenarios at critical moments when consumers conduct product's evaluations: before, during and after the laundry;
  • to quantify radiation excitance coming from soiled/stained areas and adjacent areas before and after wash, on fluorescent substrates, capable to inside viewer eyes, as a way to understand cleanliness and whiteness consumer perception on washing results;
  • to measure radiation coming from liquor solutions and wet fabrics, on fluorescent and non-fluorescent substrates, that reach consumer eyes under specific visual scenarios, in order to unveil the link between consumer visual perceptions during laundry and final consumer value;
  • to perform absolute spectrofluorimetric and spectrophotometric measurements as part of large detergency test with thousand of test fabrics, so as to evaluate fabric luminescent and reflected radiance, using fast, accurate, traceable, and low cost procedures; and
  • to assist on customised professional training programs oriented to understand complex advanced topics on radiometry, photometry, colorimetry and consumer appearance.

Two others facts also contributed to the implementation and success of the aforementioned developments: recent advances on vision science about the visual appearance process at natural scenes (some from CIE), and the powerful graphic and programming capabilities of JMP software (SAS Institute).

Our achievements in the area of applied photonics are good examples of our efficiency to innovate with limited financial resources, all come solely from business relationships with regional and global companies in the laundry sector.

This is a good opportunity to reinforce our commitment to efficiently develop spectroscopy and computer-based technologies focused to understand actual consumer practices and realities around the world as a background to develop products and technologies with superior consumer value.

More details at Spectroscopy Technologies.

May 2nd, 2006. Quito, Ecuador


The year 2006 is shaping DETERTEC as an 'in silico' technology company.

Mid of last year we began to apply full 'in silico' or virtual R&D procedures, which progressively started to be applied late 2003, but developed since year 2000. Up to know, we see our future as a different company in comparison with our 1994 vision.

After mastering for more than a decade 'in vivo' and 'in vitro' techniques of detergency research, now we think that our movement toward the field of 'in silico' technologies is correctly in line with the new-century industry trends: accelerate the pace of innovation in a different time frame, with different cost structures, being collaborative, and significantly more consumer-relevant.

Rested on innovative spectroscopy technologies, affordable numerical and graphical software capabilities, novel mesoscale models of surface's optical properties, recent colour appearance models, and statistical models of consumer perceptions at real market scenarios, DETERTEC's computer-based technologies are offering:

  • fast, affordable, and relevant procedures to link materials properties with consumer visual experiences at different global market realities, and
  • a link to close the chain between nanoscale materials modelling, quantum and molecular models, and the environment of the real product at moment of use.

This is a unprecedented stage on DETERTEC history. The future arrived!

More details at Computer-based Technologies.

February 13th, 2006. Quito, Ecuador


With the aim to improve confidentiality and to cover private examples and specific topics, DETERTEC started this year offering the on-site version of its flagship course: Visual Perception of Washing Results. The course started in 2004 and has had a tremendous success due to its applicability to understand consumer cleanliness and whiteness perception under actual visual scenarios, a crucial topic to develop products with perceived consumer value.

The new training approach: ON-SITE and CUSTOMISATION, is offering a significant increment on the cost/benefit ratio:

  • homogeneous group from the same company with similar expectations and interest
  • program of contents in line with current company priorities
  • examples and applications show relevant products and regional laundry markets
  • fixed price for a group of participants and less cost for logistics

In line with that, workshops in the areas of: hand-washing, sources of illumination, natural radiation, and fabric fluorescence, will continue be offered on a private basis.

January 20th, 2006. Quito, Ecuador


Spectrometry of wet fabrics immersed on washing liquors is the new capability available from DETERTEC. Installed mid 2005 and tested during the last trimester, the new technology is providing unique data about radiant energy coming from a wet fabric at consumer-relevant washing liquors (using laundry powders, pastes or bars) under different sources of illuminations.

In the detergency field, potential applications of this novel technology are:

  • to monitor the changes of fabric fluorescence, shadding dyes and the base white of clean, stained, soiled and dingy fabrics immersed at relevant washing liquors, and to link those changes with cleanliness and whiteness perception.
  • to estimate actual consumer visual perceptions of washing liquors with immersed soiled wet fabrics at the beginning of the washing process, which is linked to the visual consumer experiences during washing, which in turn has, potentially, strong influence on final perceived customer value.

The new technology is also supporting the DETERTEC's virtual R&D system.

More details at Visual Experiences.

November 9th, 2005. Quito, Ecuador


Finally! The last version of JMP is now working at DETERTEC. Some of the new features of JMP have tremendous implications to our work:

improved 3D surface analysis, which is linked to our geometric and analytical modelling capabilities to represent consumer whiteness and cleanliness perception,

new encrypting procedures for scripts, that will help DETERTEC to share innovative and complex scripts for managing advanced spectroscopic and colorimetric procedures,

a new connectivity with SAS large databases, which improve implementation and scalability of our modelling and simulation system into large organisations.

The experience with SAS products started in 1982 when Mr Rodrigo Olmedo (DETERTEC co-founder) used SAS/STAT and SAS/GRAPH as part of his thesis on Photochemistry of Edible Oils at Catholic University in Quito-ECUADOR. DETERTEC expertise with JMP software started in 1996 with version 3.1, as the statistical package to plan laboratory experiments and data analysis. JMP features included in version 4.0 (scripting) and 5.1 (interactive 3D graphics) have supported DETERTEC'S new spectroscopy and computer-based technologies.

JMP� is a trade mark of SAS INSTITUTE, Cary, NC, USA.

October 21st, 2005. Quito, Ecuador


In a short but emotive ceremony, DETERTEC launches to the global laundry market, LaundryVisualSim�, a new mesoscale modelling and simulation system focused to the laundry industry.

This new 'in silico' technology has a special importance for DETERTEC, not only because is a crucial result after more than 5 year of dedication in the area of spectroscopy, vision science and computer modelling and simulation, but mainly because is a breakthrough step in the global laundry market: a disruptive technology.

Rodrigo Olmedo, Director-General, shared with participants his confidence that the new technology will positive impact the market, due to its enormous potential on R&D cost structures, on R&D timeframes, and on consumer relevance features of laundry products and technologies. He congratulated the technical team for this 'historical step'.

More details at LaundryVisualSim�

September 7th, 2005. Quito, Ecuador


Consumer cleanliness assessment of laundry product is not equal around the world, but it has been found that some washing problems are nearly the same despite different cultures and habits. Consistently, remotion of easily perceived stains present on white collar and cuffs constitute one of the icons linked to final consumer value delivered by laundry products.

Unfortunately this simple cleanliness perception fact from the consumer point of view, is a very complex process from the R&D perspective, not only due to the complexity of the inorganic and organic constituents of the stain, but also due to the interaction of different fabric surroundings (the area in direct contact with the skin and the rest of the collar area) on final consumer cleanliness perception.

DETERTEC is proud to offer to laundry products R&D efforts a special constructed double-layered test fabric with different dingy surroundings that simulate a worn white collar, with two areas of fresh stain that mimic the combination of body and ambient soil. Clean and soiled dingy fabrics on the monitor can follow different laundry realities regarding dingy fabrics.

More details at Test fabrics

August 22nd, 2005. Quito, Ecuador


First semester 2005 was very active in the optical spectroscopy area of DETERTEC.Thanks to recent developments on UV LED light sources, solid state detectors arrays and thin film technologies, we were capable to built a customised non contact mini spectrofluorimeter to accurately determine, in absolute terms, spectroscopy properties of fluorescent materials full traceable to international standards. Specifically the new equipment is working on spectral characterisation of:

  • stained areas and remanent stained areas on actual garments from laundry markets, and
  • clean and soiled dingy garments from different laundry markets.

Absolute spectrometric properties of very small fabric areas (less than 6 mm2), like the strip-shaped remanent collar and cuffs stained area after some process of wash, and its fabric surrounding, as well as accurate determination of typical fluorescence spectroscopy properties like: quantum absorptance function, quantum yield, and total, reflected and luminescent radiation coming from the fabric and capable to reach our eyes, under relevant sources of illumination, including different phases of daylight, constitutes the foundation to model and simulate consumer whiteness and cleanliness perception.

More details and examples can be viewed at Spectral Properties and Visual Experiences

June 17th, 2005. Quito, Ecuador


On June 17, 2005 at DETERTEC drying deck we have measured a blue sky source of illumination with a correlated colour temperature of 60,296 Kelvin degrees. The highest temperature registered and published for a natural source of illumination. Absolute and relative graphs in comparison with typical CIE D65 - 6,500 K can viewed at Visual Scenarios.

The only previous similar reference is 60,000 K, that was taken in USA on September 18, 1939 and published on:

.. Taylor, A., and Kerr, G., The Distribution of Energy in the Visible Spectrum of Daylight, JOSA, January, 1941, Vol. 31, 3-8. Lighting Research Laboratory, General Electric Company

Obviously, at that time due to equipments and software limitations, only a few values for visible range was reported.

Deep blue sky as a natural source of illumination during morning shows correlated colour temperature values of more than 20,000 K, if you include all surrounding present during laundry. Under those source of illuminations the influence of fluorescence on cleanliness and whiteness perception when consumer evaluate washing results is dominant.

This and much more data and interpretation is shared during the On-Site Workshop offered by DETERTEC: "Source of Illuminations and Relevant Laundry Visual Scenarios".

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